If you just want to talk to us about your ideas for a new web site or a re-fresh of an existing web site, a photographic commission, or just want to run your ideas by someone else, our consultancy service is completely free! So feel free to get in touch using our email address: nigel@nigelhammond.com.

How do I get my business online?

The internet can be a confusing and complex place... but it doesn't have to be! If you want a web-presence, but aren't sure how to go about getting one, we can explain your options, decide which is the best for your business, and how we can help.

Photographic commissions

We are happy to discuss any ideas you have for specific photographic commissions or projects for which you would like help, advice, or even a full end-to-end service from conceptualisation to completion.

Mounting an exhibition

We have been staging exhibitions of art, photography, and three dimensional work for over ten years. Works exhibited have included: paintings in all media; sculpture; jewellery; wood-carving; ceramics and photographs. We offer help and advice with putting on an exhibition covering the following elements, and more:-